If you are considering a cosmetic tattoo, you may be wondering what happens on the day and naturally you may also have some concerns on what your tattoo will look like when it is done. A lot of my clients come to me with fears and hesitations around having a treatment. Concerns such as; "What if it turns out too dark and I don't like it?"

"What if I hate the shape and it's too thick and unnatural?"

"My friend Betty had hers done and now they look red/orange what if mine go like that in 3 years time too?"

Here's the thing, fear is completely normal and it's main job is to help you to avoid pain and to keep you safe. So it is only natural to have a few concerns. If you're anything like me then you like to feel in control and know what to expect so let's break it down.


My clients all go through a pre-qualifying process to ensure that it is the right fit for us both. I have turned ladies away before if I do not feel it's the best fit, or if I feel they aren't ready to have a cosmetic tattoo. It is really important to me to build a relationship with my clients so it has to feel right for us both in my opinion. It needs to be an empowering experience.


When you arrive there are some forms for you to read and fill out. Once this is done we will then go through a thorough consultation together. I will ask you some questions to help me to build a picture of exactly how you want your cosmetic tattoo to look.


I will then draw on the shape using a makeup pencil. The drawing is freehand I do not use stencils your face is not symmetrical and I want your brows to look as even as possible.

I will then hand you a mirror and get your feedback. Once you are in love with your new look I will go and mix up some colours to get the perfect shade (I always go lighter at the first appointment).


I will work my magic and create the most beautiful, natural result for you. Once completed I will hand you the mirror to admire your beautiful face and new look.


We will then go through your aftercare together so you know exactly what to do to take care of your healing tattoo for best results.


I take before and after pictures for insurance purposes. I do use a selection of images to showcase my work but you can opt out of this if you choose to there is never any pressure here.


You will come back for a second procedure in 5-8 weeks time where the pigment will be reintroduced to the skin, and any necessary tweaks to the shape or colour will be made. I ALWAYS offer two treatments as a responsible artist because that is why my clients have such long lasting amazing results.

pmuLaura Chenery